DVB-T in Croatia in operated by broadcast network operator OiV. OiV (Odašiljači i Veze) is a Croatian broadcast and WiMAX network operator born from the separation from Croatian Radiotelevision in 2001. The communications regulator HAKOM has awarded OIV a 10-year licence to operate two DVB-T multiplexes ( Mux A and Mux B). OiV will be required by the licence conditions to roll-out the DTT networks to 95% of the population. Croatia is using MPEG-2 compression system despite all surrounding countries ( Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Hezegovina, Montenegro) are using or have announced to use MPEG-4 compression. Below you can see a map showing digital regions (allotments).

Croatian MUX A is operated by the OIV. Currently MUX A in the Croatian D4 allotment carries 4 channels: 2 public national channels (Hrvatska Televizija 1 and Hrvatska Televizija 2) and 2 commercial national channels (RTL, NOVA). On this page you can see the analysis of the MUX A transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.

Croatian MUX B is operated by OIV. Currently MUX B carries 2 public (HRT3 and HRT4) and 2 commercial channels (RTL 2 and Doma TV). On this page you can see the analysis of the MUX B transport stream.

Croatian MUX C is operated by OIV. MUX C uses DVB-T2 transmission and carries channels for pay TV called EVO TV. On this page you can see the (almost) real-time analysis of the MUX C transport stream from the D4 allotment. The displayed data is extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex received in Vrhnika, Slovenia, from the Sljeme transmitting site.

Croatian MUX D is operated by the OIV. Currently national/regional MUX D in the Croatian D4 allotment carries 6 channels: JABUKA TV, NeT, Z1, Sportska televizija, KN and CMC. On this page you can see the analysis of the national/regional MUX D transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.

Croatian MUX D is operated by the OIV. Currently local MUX D in the Croatian D44 digital region carries 2 channels: TV4R and TV PLUS. On this page you can see the analysis of the local MUX D transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.

Croatian MUX D is operated by the OIV. Currently national/regional MUX D in the Croatian D5 allotment carries 7 channels: KANAL RI, TV ISTRA, RITV, TV NOVA, Sportska televizija, KN and CMC. On this page you can see the analysis of the national/regional MUX D transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.

Croatian MUX D is operated by the OIV. Currently national/regional MUX D in the Croatian D7 allotment carries 4 channels: TV VOX, Sportska televizija, KN and CMC. On this page you can see the analysis of the national/regional MUX D transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.

Croatian MUX D is operated by the OIV. Currently local MUX D in the Croatian D71 digital region carries 1 channel: GRADSKA TV. On this page you can see the analysis of the local MUX D transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.