Croatian MUX A is operated by the OIV. Currently MUX A in the Croatian D4 allotment carries 4 channels: 2 public national channels (Hrvatska Televizija 1 and Hrvatska Televizija 2) and 2 commercial national channels (RTL, NOVA). On this page you can see the analysis of the MUX A transport stream. The displayed data was extracted from the actual broadcasted multiplex.
The data was captured by Hrvoje Petrunić in April 2011.
Last page update: Tuesday, 05 Apr 2011, 20:50 local time
Program Association Table
PAT Version Number: 30 Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] NIT: 506 MHz (CH 25)
PMT PID 16 [0010] - Network PMT PID 100 [0064] - Program 1 HTV1 EIT Link PMT PID 200 [00C8] - Program 2 HTV2 EIT Link PMT PID 300 [012C] - Program 3 RTL TV PMT PID 400 [0190] - Program 4 NOVA TV EIT Link
Program Map Table(s)
Network PMT Entry - carried on PID 16 [0010]
Program Number: 1 HTV1PCR PID: [0065]Stream Type: [02] MPEG-2 Video PID 101 [0065]MPEG Video: Bitrate 4.550 Mbps Resolution 720 x 576i MPEG Video: Framerate 25 fps Aspect Ratio 4:3 Chroma Format 4:2:0 AFD descriptor: Active format is the same as the coded frame Descriptor: Video Stream Descriptor Multiple frame rate flag: True Frame rate: 25 MPEG-1 only flag: False Constrained paramter flag: True Still picture flag: False Stream Type: [03] MPEG-1 Audio PID 102 [0066]MPEG1 Audio: Bitrate 256 Kbps Sample Rate 48 KHz MPEG1 Audio: Layer II Mode Stereo Descriptor: ISO639 Language Descriptor Language: hrv Audio type: clean effects Stream Type: [06] Teletext/VBI PID 103 [0067]Descriptor: Teletext Descriptor Language: eng Type: Initial Teletext page Magazine: [01] Page: [00]
Program Number: 2 HTV2PCR PID: [00C9]Stream Type: [02] MPEG-2 Video PID 201 [00C9]MPEG Video: Bitrate 4.550 Mbps Resolution 720 x 576i MPEG Video: Framerate 25 fps Aspect Ratio 4:3 Chroma Format 4:2:0 Descriptor: Video Stream Descriptor Multiple frame rate flag: True Frame rate: 25 MPEG-1 only flag: False Constrained paramter flag: True Still picture flag: False Stream Type: [03] MPEG-1 Audio PID 202 [00CA]MPEG1 Audio: Bitrate 256 Kbps Sample Rate 48 KHz MPEG1 Audio: Layer II Mode Stereo Descriptor: ISO639 Language Descriptor Language: hrv Audio type: clean effects Stream Type: [06] Teletext/VBI PID 203 [00CB]Descriptor: Teletext Descriptor Language: eng Type: Initial Teletext page Magazine: [01] Page: [00]
Program Number: 3 RTL TVPCR PID: [012D]Stream Type: [02] MPEG-2 Video PID 301 [012D]MPEG Video: Bitrate 4.550 Mbps Resolution 720 x 576i MPEG Video: Framerate 25 fps Aspect Ratio 16:9 Chroma Format 4:2:0 AFD descriptor: Active format is the same as the coded frame Descriptor: Video Stream Descriptor Multiple frame rate flag: True Frame rate: 25 MPEG-1 only flag: False Constrained paramter flag: True Still picture flag: False Stream Type: [03] MPEG-1 Audio PID 302 [012E]MPEG1 Audio: Bitrate 256 Kbps Sample Rate 48 KHz MPEG1 Audio: Layer II Mode Stereo Descriptor: ISO639 Language Descriptor Language: hrv Audio type: clean effects Stream Type: [06] Teletext/VBI PID 303 [012F]Descriptor: Teletext Descriptor Language: eng Type: Initial Teletext page Magazine: [01] Page: [00]
Program Number: 4 NOVA TVPCR PID: [0191]Stream Type: [02] MPEG-2 Video PID 401 [0191]MPEG Video: Bitrate 4.600 Mbps Resolution 720 x 576i MPEG Video: Framerate 25 fps Aspect Ratio 4:3 Chroma Format 4:2:0 AFD descriptor: Active format is the same as the coded frame Descriptor: Video Stream Descriptor Multiple frame rate flag: True Frame rate: 25 MPEG-1 only flag: False Constrained paramter flag: True Still picture flag: False Stream Type: [03] MPEG-1 Audio PID 402 [0192]MPEG1 Audio: Bitrate 256 Kbps Sample Rate 48 KHz MPEG1 Audio: Layer II Mode Stereo Descriptor: ISO639 Language Descriptor Language: hrv Audio type: clean effects Stream Type: [06] Teletext/VBI PID 403 [0193]Descriptor: Teletext Descriptor Language: eng Type: Initial Teletext page Magazine: [01] Page: [00]
Network Information Table
Network Name: DVB-T MUX A Network ID: 12561 [3111] Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] Original Network ID: 8383 [20BF] Version: 10 Descriptor: Network Name Descriptor DVB-T Frequency 506 MHz (CH 25) Bandwidth: 8 MHz Constellation: 64-QAM Hierarchy: non-hierarchical, native interleaver Guard Interval 1/4 Code Rate: 3/4 Current Network: True
Service Description Table
SDT Channel 1 Service Name: HTV1 Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
Original Network ID: 8383 [20BF]
SDT Channel 2 Service Name: HTV2 Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
Original Network ID: 8383 [20BF]
SDT Channel 3 Service Name: RTL TV Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
Original Network ID: 8383 [20BF]
SDT Channel 4 Service Name: NOVA TV Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
Original Network ID: 8383 [20BF]
Event Information Table
Channel 1 Service Name: HTV1 Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:35:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:40:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 9:05:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hotel dvorac Orth 1, serija (45'09") (12/13) (kod. na sat.) Po savjetu dječje psihologinje, Franzl dolazi u internat. Tu se susreće s prijateljicom Jette. Fanny marljivo uči za odvjetnički ispit. Vinzenz Strobl joj pomaže i pritom se zbližavaju. Otac i sin Meingraf putuju na sjednicu. Izbija žestokasvađa i Meingraf stariji nasred ceste izlazi iz auta. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 9:50:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti iz kulture (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 9:55:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 10:00:00 Length: 00:09:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 10:09:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme danas Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 10:10:00 Length: 00:52:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Krstarenja svjetskim ljepotama: Prekomorske obale - Orinoco: Ovo krstarenje Levantom, luskuznim putničkim brodom dugačkim 100 metara kojim putuje 90 putnika, vodi nas od Amazone do Kariba. Gvajane zauzimaju prostran teritorij koji se proteže od delte Amazone do delte Orinoca i obuhvaćaju Francusku Gvajau, Surinam - nekadašnju Nizozemsku Gvajanu, i Gvajanu - nekadašnju Britansku Gvajanu i pokrajinu Bolívar Venezuelanske Gvajane. Itinerer CAYENNE u Francuskoj Gvajani. PARAMARIBO u Surinamu. Plovimo deltom Orinoca, najveće rijeke u Americi nako Amazone. Susret sa zajednicama Warao Indijanaca. U CIUDADU GVAJANI ukrcavamo se u avion kojim odlazimo u Nacionalni park CANAMA. Nadlijećemo najviši vodopad na svijetu - Salto Angel, visok 976 metara. Krećemo prema POINTE A PITREU. Otkrivamougravirane stijene koje prikazuju antropomorfne likove koje su načinili stari Arawaki Indijanc Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 11:02:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kod Ane, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 11:12:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Oprah show (1318.) (kod. na sat.) Dobitnik Grammyja Ricky Martin naizgled je živio ludi život, ali kaže da je istina to da je zapravo živio u laži. U svom prvom televizijskom intervjuu s Oprom govorit će o svojoj odluci da se deklarira kao homoseksualac. Uz to će nam dopustti da zavirimo u život koji vodi kao otac dvogodišnjih sinova blizanaca. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 11:57:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:00:00 Length: 00:11:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:11:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sport Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:13:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:15:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:16:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV kalendar (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:28:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:32:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gospodarica tvoga srca, telenovela (23/142) (kod. na sat.) Ivana traži od majke da joj kaže tko je čovjek kojemu je dala dušu i srce. No, gđa Isabel ne želi odgovoriti. Rosendo nastavlja opsjedati Iluminadu. Uplakana Ivana govori Valentini da su odvjetnik Galeana i njezina majka bili u vezi dok je nezin otac bio živ i moli je da ga otjera. Valentina kaže Ivani da treba odvjetnika Galeanu te da, ako ga ona ne može podnijeti, sama mora odlučiti što će učiniti. Valentina kaže g. Ernestu da, ako je istina to što Ivana govori, neće mu mći dopustiti da ostane u njezinoj kući. Horacio zahvali Joseu Miguelu što ga nije izdao pred zaručnicom. Rosendo kaže Crisanti da Nazario pokušava zavesti njezinu kćer. Kaže joj licemjerno da kad bi Iluminada bila njegova kći, već bi je davno odveo s "Los Cascabelesa" prije nego što bi joj Nazario išta uspio učiniti. Sandra predloži Horaciju da Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:17:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:20:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Divlji Plamen 2, serija (6/13) (kod. na sat.) Ranč Raintree prima na dresuru poznatog konja, a Kris i Matt zajedno pokušavaju otkriti zbog čega je taj konj problematičan, no u međuvremenu shvaćaju pravi razlog zašto Pablo ne želi imati veze s time. Kris pokušava doznati više ispitujći Pabla, a Matt osjeća da se njegove vještine kod kuće ne cijene dovoljno pa odluči započeti vlastitu karijeru. Pete pokušava ponovno osvojiti Jean. Ona se nađe u dvojbi, no naposljetku ga ipak odbija te ga time pošalje ravno u zagrljaj sabelli. Junior se zbližava s Peteom i Rebeccom Rebound te se još više udaljava od Davisa. Dani nastavlja graditi svoje carstvo. Osjeća se ugroženom zbog toga što Junior ima nove žene u svom životu te ponudi Mattu posao. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 14:05:00 Length: 00:09:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti uz hrvatski znakovni jezik Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 14:14:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme sutra Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 14:15:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 14:20:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Riječ i život: Kako povezati zemlju, zrak i more?, religijsk Hrvatske plodne ravnice mogu hraniti više od 20 milijuna stanovnika. Čista priroda i nezagađeni zrak privlače mnoge posjetitelje. Razvedena obala užitak je kako turistima, tako i domaćima. Kako povezati ljepotu i korist? Gosti su diplomiraniagronom Marija Vizner i predsjednik Odbora za financije i državni proračun RH doc. dr. sc. Goran Marić. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:00:00 Length: 00:20:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dharma i Greg 2, humoristična serija (5/24) (kod. na sat.) Dharma pokušava promijeniti Peteove navike samca kad on bude ozlijeđen u automobilskoj nesreći. Kitty organizira dobrotvornu zabavu za Abby. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:20:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:25:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Indeks, emisija o školstvu Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:55:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: ZABA - 90 sekundi, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:57:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 16:00:00 Length: 00:58:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hrvatska uživo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 16:58:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:10:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hrvatska uživo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:20:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: HAK - Promet info Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:21:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Pastel, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:23:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:25:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 8. kat: Kad si zaljubljen, talk show Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:05:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:06:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:10:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kod Ane, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:20:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:23:00 Length: 00:07:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik plavuše: Kad tete kuhaju, emisija pod pokroviteljstv Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:30:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Tvoja sam sudbina, telenovela (54/106) (kod. na sat.) Anćal pohita kako bi zaustavila Ramakanta da ne odvede djecu. No sudbina joj je namijenila nešto drugo. Prije nego što je došla u Siddharthovu kuću, Ramakant odvodi djecu. Shrvana je i povrijeđena. Osjeća da je iznevjerila Đaju jer nije spiječila da djecu odvedu od oca. Siddharth dolazi kući s darovima za djecu. Šokira se saznavši da ih je Ramakant odveo. Anćal je uzrujana jer je djed odveo djecu. Pita se hoće li ikada ponovno moći učiniti nešto za njih. Siddharth je shrva jer je Ramakant odveo njegovu djecu. Lalita mu odbrusi da se to ne bi dogodilo da se nije spetljao s Anćal. Ne znajući što se događa iza njihovih leđa, djeca dolaze u Mumbai i oduševljena su što su ondje. Za njih je to samo dvodnevni odmornakon kojeg će Siddharth doći po njih. Ne znaju da ih Ramakant želi zadržati u Mumbaiju zauvijek. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:15:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: LOTO 7/39 Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:20:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:21:00 Length: 00:09:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:30:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:55:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:56:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sport Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:00:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:01:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:04:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: ZABA - 90 sekundi, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:06:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:10:00 Length: 01:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kapelski kresovi, dramska serija (70'54") (1/13) Serija "Kapelski kresovi", snimljena prema istoimenom romanu Veljka Kovačevića, književnika i španjolskog borca, govori o dramatičnom rastu ustanka 1941. godine u Gorskom kotaru i Primorju. Kao i roman, serija počiva na sjećanju autora, povjesnog svjedoka tih događaja i obiluje likovima čija su imena prešla u legendu i sjećanja. No, ne valja u njima, kao ni u cjelini serije, vidjeti tek puki dokument jednog razdoblja, već ponajprije umjetničku transformaciju stvarnosti. Radnjapočinje okupljanjem skupine partizana, a završava narastanjem te grupe u diviziju. Scenarij za seriju napisao je Ivica Ivanac u suradnji s redateljem Ivanom Hetrichom, dok se razradom filmskih priča pozabavio Zlatko Sudović. Golemu glumačku eipu, njih više od 200 (od kojih su neki bili prvi put pred kamerom), predvode vrsni glumci kao što su Boris Dvo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 21:20:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 21:25:00 Length: 00:35:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Bitange i princeze 4, humoristična serija (1/24) U četvrtoj sezoni sit-coma "Bitange i princeze" ponovno gledamo 24 nastavka u kojima se pojavljuju svi glavni likovi: Robi, Irena, Kazo, Teo, Lucija, Gazda, Konobar Armando te Erotoman Saša. Radnja počinje tamo gdje je u 3. sezoni završila - ipostavilo se da je Adriana teroristica, pa su zbog navodne povezanosti s njom svi osim Tea završili u zatvoru. Nakon što se ta zavrzlama riješi, naši se junaci vraćaju svakodnevici: Teo postaje agent tajne službe, Irena se pridružuje Gazdi Kazi kao djelatnica marketinške Agencije, Lucija zbog situacije između Tea i Adriane pukne pa počne živjeti sto na sat. Erotomanu se ostvaruje san: odlazi u Nizozemsku snimati film za odrasle, s kojim će se kasnije trijumfalno vratiti u domoinu. Robi neko vrijeme radi kao batler kod neobičnog grofa Draškovića, da bi se kasnije ponovno vratio svom p Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 22:30:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 22:35:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik 3 Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:00:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sport Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:03:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:05:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti iz kulture Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:10:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:15:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Drugi format Zašto se ljudi drukčijih seksualnih orijentacija još uvijek moraju skrivati iza pseudonima? Što nam jedan lezbijski roman govori o današnjem hrvatskom društvu? Je li spol još uvijek (i) politička kategorija? U Drugom formatu govore: Lada ale Feldman i Mima Simić, te, ekskluzivno, književnica skrivenog identiteta, Nora Verde. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 0:00:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 0:05:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Retrovizor: Lovci na natprirodno 4, serija (12) (5/22) (kod. Potpuno u crno-bijeloj tehnici, Dean i Sam istražuju nekoliko ubojstava na Oktoberfestu. Prvu su žrtvu našli s tragovima ugriza na vratu, kakve bi ostavio vampir, a druga žrtva ima rane koje upućuju na napad vukodlaka. Nakon što mumija ustan iz kripte, Dean utvrdi da demon koji mijenja oblik terorizira grad u obliku tradicionalnih čudovišta iz starih holivudskih filmova. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 0:50:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Retrovizor: Dragi Johne 3, humoristična serija (9/22) (R) (k Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 1:15:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Retrovizor: Ksena - princeza ratnica 5, serija (1/22) (kod. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 2:00:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Zločinački umovi 4, serija (12) (3/26) (R) (kod. na sat.) Kad Prentissova i Reid pod lažnim identitetom dolaze istražiti moguće zlostavljanje djece u tajnome kultu, ostaju zarobljeni u logoru kad savezna racija krene po zlu. U epizodi gostuje Luke Perry ("Beverly Hills, 90210") kao vođa kulta Benjami Cyrus. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 2:45:00 Length: 00:20:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dharma i Greg 2, humoristična serija (5/24) (R) (kod. na sat Dharma pokušava promijeniti Peteove navike samca kad on bude ozlijeđen u automobilskoj nesreći. Kitty organizira dobrotvornu zabavu za Abby. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 3:05:00 Length: 00:20:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sledge Hammer 2, humoristična serija (11/19) (R) (kod. na sa Sledge i Dori istražuju ubojstva Mila Tylera, predsjednika kompanije Igračke Tyler. Ubijen je iz svog dječjeg tenka dok se zabavljao s ljubavnicom. Uskoro Sledge otkriva trag koji vodi do ubojice, a završni obračun vodi se dječjim aviončićma iz kojih ispadaju prave bombe. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 3:25:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Indeks, emisija o školstvu (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 3:55:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Drugi format (R) Zašto se ljudi drukčijih seksualnih orijentacija još uvijek moraju skrivati iza pseudonima? Što nam jedan lezbijski roman govori o današnjem hrvatskom društvu? Je li spol još uvijek (i) politička kategorija? U Drugom formatu govore: Lada ale Feldman i Mima Simić, te, ekskluzivno, književnica skrivenog identiteta, Nora Verde. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 4:40:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Oprah show (1318.) (R) (kod. na sat.) Dobitnik Grammyja Ricky Martin naizgled je živio ludi život, ali kaže da je istina to da je zapravo živio u laži. U svom prvom televizijskom intervjuu s Oprom govorit će o svojoj odluci da se deklarira kao homoseksualac. Uz to će nam dopustti da zavirimo u život koji vodi kao otac dvogodišnjih sinova blizanaca. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 5:20:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 8. kat: Kad si zaljubljen, talk show (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 6:00:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Najava programa Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 6:05:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Riječ i život: Kako povezati zemlju, more i zrak?, religijsk Hrvatske plodne ravnice mogu hraniti više od 20 milijuna stanovnika. Čista priroda i nezagađeni zrak privlače mnoge posjetitelje. Razvedena obala užitak je kako turistima, tako i domaćima. Kako povezati ljepotu i korist? Gosti su diplomiraniagronom Marija Vizner i predsjednik Odbora za financije i državni proračun RH doc. dr. sc. Goran Marić. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 6:45:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV kalendar Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 6:57:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:00:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:05:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:10:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:35:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:40:00 Length: 00:55:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:35:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:40:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 9:05:00 Length: 00:46:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hotel dvorac Orth 1, serija (45'28") (13/13) (kod. na sat.) Fanny je položila odvjetnički ispit, Vinzenz joj s ljubavlju čestita. Therese slavi 75. rođendan. Svi revno pripremaju raskošno slavlje. Ilona Stauffer u visokom stupnju trudnoće i njezin muž Wolffi odsjedaju u hotelu. Ilona želi da je pordi njezina prijateljica dr. Fabian. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 9:51:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti iz kulture (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 9:56:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 10:00:00 Length: 00:09:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 10:09:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme danas Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 10:10:00 Length: 00:52:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Krstarenja svjetskim ljepotama: Prekomorske obale - Arhipela Na ovom putovanju dvama arhipelazima, jednima od najizoliranijih u Tihom oceanu, ukrcavamo se na dva potpuno različita broda. Aranui, putničko-teretni brod, godišnje petnaestak puta obiđe luku Papeete na Tahitiju i otočje Marquises 1500 km sjverno, opskrbljujući te otoke od kojih su neki dostupni samo morskim putem. Kako bismo upoznali Tuamotu, ukrcavamo se na katamaran Orava, koji prima samo osam putnika, te uplovljavljamo u unutrašnjost Rangiroe, najvećeg polinezijskog atola i trćeg na svijetu. Koraljni grebeni koji izviruju iz vode čine putovanje opasnim, a noću i nemogućim. OTOČJE MARQUISES: Na otoku Nuku Hivi vidjet ćemo misu u katedrali u Taiohaeu, tetoviranje, markiške plesove, posjetit ćemo tohuu, markiško vetište. Na otoku Fatu Hivi posjećujemo Omou te Zaljev djevica s vulkanskim vrhovima. Otok Hiva Oa Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 11:02:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kod Ane, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 11:12:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Oprah show (1319.) (kod. na sat.) Desetljećima je Jane Fonda bila seks-simbol. Ona je dobitnica Oscara, ikona fitnessa, aktivistica, majka i baka. Danas će s Oprom razgovarati o svom zanimljivom životu, a progovorit će i o pravoj istini o odnosu sa svojim poznatim ocem, o svomstavu prema starenju i plastičnim operacijama te o mračnoj tajni koju je skrivala trideset godina. Oprah će razgovarati s Jane i njezinim bivšim mužem Tedom Turnerom u prvom intervjuu koji će dati zajedno otkako su se razveli. A potom ćemo poznati i Janeinu novu ljubav. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 11:57:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:00:00 Length: 00:11:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:11:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sport Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:13:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:15:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:16:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV kalendar (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:28:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 12:32:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gospodarica tvoga srca, telenovela (24/142) (kod. na sat.) Valentina kaže gđi Isabel da je naredila da Josea Miguela ne puštaju na imanje. Ivana ružno govori o Valentini i Jose Miguel joj kaže kako bi svi mogli pomisliti da je ona ogorčena na Valentinu. Ivana mu licemjerno govori da voli Valentinu ko sestru, no to je ne sprečava da ne uvidi njezine pogreške. Ivana padne s konja i ostane bez svijesti. Valentina kaže Joseu Miguelu da je on odgovoran za nesreću i zabranjuje mu da se približava njezinoj obitelji. Gđa Isabel, uplakana, kaž Valentini da bi trebali odvesti Ivanu u bolnicu. Valentina joj kaže kako je najbliži grad udaljen dva sata vožnje, te da je bolje da pričekaju liječnika. Nazario naredi zaposlenicima da rade. Filadelfo ga pita radi li to kako bi dobio naklonst vlasnice i Rosendov posao. Poniženi Jose Miguel ispriča se gđi Isabel. Gđa Leonor dolazi na imanje Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:17:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:20:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Divlji Plamen 2, serija (7/13) (kod. na sat.) Kris nauči važnu lekciju o životu džokeja dok trenira s poznatim, ali zahtjevnim trenerom te se tijekom treninga zbližava se s Kerryjem. Juniorov odnos prema Rebecci se mijenja kada se oboje susreću s problemima u kućanstvu. Charlie se vraa, a Jean se mora suočiti s posljedicama toga što se zbližila s Peteom. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 14:05:00 Length: 00:09:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti uz hrvatski znakovni jezik Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 14:14:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme sutra Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 14:15:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 14:20:00 Length: 00:35:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Trenutak spoznaje Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 14:55:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 15:00:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dharma i Greg 2, humoristična serija (6/24) (kod. na sat.) Dharma i Greg otkrivaju tajnu sobu sa starim lutkama za koje Dharma misli da su opsjednute zlim duhovima. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 15:25:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Tragom zločina, dokumentarni film (30'04") "Do sada sam pokopao više od 7000 ljudi" - riječi su Mladena Stražimira-Straže, novinara koji je 43 godine pisao za Crnu kroniku "Večernjeg lista". Straža je u ime istraživačkog novinarstva vozio taksi, svojevoljno bio u zatvoru, prisustvoao obdukcijama i vodio vlastite istrage, a često je i sam bio u opasnosti. Dokumentarni film "Tragom zločina" preko najdojmljivijih slučajeva o kojima je Straža pisao prikazuje kakve sve žrtve takav posao traži. Prikazuje također posljedicena zdravlje i osobni život koje ostavlja svakodnevno dugogodišnje suočavanje s nesrećama, smrću i tugom ljudi. Ipak, to je prije svega portret vrsnog novinara koji je oduvijek želio biti samo i jedino terenac i koji se u svom poslu kao i u ivotu nikad nije štedio. Mladen Stražimir preminuo je 2003. godine. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 15:55:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: ZABA - 90 sekundi, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 15:57:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 16:00:00 Length: 00:58:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hrvatska uživo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 16:58:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 17:10:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hrvatska uživo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 17:20:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: HAK - Promet info Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 17:21:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 17:22:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 17:25:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 8. kat: Riješite se fobija, talk show Igor Mešin i Maja Šuput hrabro govore o svom strahu od leta avionom. Njihovi doživljaji nasmijat će vas do suza. A, Ella Svilan Svalina i Aleksej Gotthardi Pavlovsky pričaju o svojim nedaćama za volanom. Ukoliko imate problema sa strahovima d leta i volana, pogledajte emisiju, jer vam nudimo i rješenje. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 18:10:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 18:15:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kod Ane, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 18:25:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 18:28:00 Length: 00:07:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik plavuše: Kad tete kuhaju, emisija pod pokroviteljstv Bliži se Gabin rođendan i Lara se veseli proslavi s prijateljicama. Čeka ih razočaranje jer se Gabi zbog trudnoće ne osjeća tako poduzetnom za organiziranje tuluma. Zato joj cure odluče organizirati proslavu. Morana je zadužena za sastavljnje popisa uzvanika, no nakon razmišljanja, pisanja i križanja imena uvijek ostaje isti rezultat na papiriću: "Ja, Lara, Gabi". To će izazvati neočekivanu kulinarsku inspiraciju kod Lare, a posebno kod Morane. Vidjet ćemo tko će uskočiti upomoć i spasiti proslavu u zadnji čas... Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 18:35:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 18:40:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Tvoja sam sudbina, telenovela (55/106) (kod. na sat.) Siddharthov se život ponovno promijenio preko noći. Život mu više nema smisla i izgubio je volju za vanjskim svijetom. Namjerava predati posao Dhirađu, no Dhirađ ga uvjerava da nije još sve izgubljeno. Još mogu pokušati vratiti djecu. Žiot mora ići dalje i Siddharth ne smije prestati raditi. Ramakant ukori Ravikanta jer je bio neodgovoran prema djeci. Ravikant odvodi djecu na piknik. Djeca uživaju, no istovremeno čekaju da Siddharth dođe po njih. Anćal odlazi u hram s ujnom dje slučajno susreće Siddhartha. Njih dvoje razgovaraju, a u taj tren u hram ulazi Lalita i šokira se vidjevši njih dvoje zajedno. Siddharth zahvali Anćal na svemu što je učinila za djecu, no osjeća se nemoćno jer nisu mogli spriječiti Rmakanta da odvede djecu. Anćal se još jednom prisjeti koliku je bol donijela čitavoj obitelji. Lalita uvrijedi An Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 19:25:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 19:26:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 19:30:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 19:55:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 19:56:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sport Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 20:00:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 20:01:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 20:04:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: ZABA - 90 sekundi, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 20:06:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 20:10:00 Length: 00:50:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 1 protiv 100, kviz (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 21:00:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Minuta zdravlja iz Dietpharma, emisija pod pokroviteljstvom Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 21:01:00 Length: 00:04:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 21:05:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Razred 2011. (kod. na sat.) Drugi je tjedan priprema za ispite državne mature. Učenici i profesori Razreda 2011. još uvijek su na početku svog puta. Janja, profesorica kemije, vodi ih u posjet PMF-u, a osim u razredu svoju nastavu organizira u Tehničkom muzeju. Ponavljaje periodnog sustava zabavnije je uz izložbu profesora Raosa. Profesorica Danijela i profesorica Gordana razgovaraju s razredom o prijateljstvu profesora i učenika, pišu se prvi eseji, pronalaze prve rupe u znanju. Otkrivamo gdje žive i o čem sanjaju Dijana i Mateja. Pred učenicima je još puno posla, ali oni su spremni za nove izazove. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 21:35:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 21:40:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Pola ure kulture Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 22:10:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 22:20:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik 3 Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 22:45:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sport Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 22:48:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vrijeme Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 22:50:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti iz kulture Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 22:55:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 23:00:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vatikan Ivana Pavla II.: Povijest, dokumentarna serija (23'2 Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 23:25:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Razred 2011. (R) (kod. na sat.) Drugi je tjedan priprema za ispite državne mature. Učenici i profesori Razreda 2011. još uvijek su na početku svog puta. Janja, profesorica kemije, vodi ih u posjet PMF-u, a osim u razredu svoju nastavu organizira u Tehničkom muzeju. Ponavljaje periodnog sustava zabavnije je uz izložbu profesora Raosa. Profesorica Danijela i profesorica Gordana razgovaraju s razredom o prijateljstvu profesora i učenika, pišu se prvi eseji, pronalaze prve rupe u znanju. Otkrivamo gdje žive i o čem sanjaju Dijana i Mateja. Pred učenicima je još puno posla, ali oni su spremni za nove izazove. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 23:55:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Retrovizor: Lovci na natprirodno 4, serija (12) (6/22) (kod. Sam i Dean istražuju tajanstvene smrti nekolicine ljudi koji su navodno pali mrtvi od straha. Posjećuju jednu žrtvu u mrtvačnici i Dean se zarazi bolešću koja počinje kao opća tjeskoba, zatim prelazi u intenzivan strah, od kojega na kraju tane srce. Sam i Bobby (Jim Beaver) moraju otkriti korijen bolesti prije nego što Dean umre i vrati se u pakao. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 0:40:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Retrovizor: Dragi Johne 3, humoristična serija (10/22) (R) ( Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 1:05:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Retrovizor: Ksena - princeza ratnica 5, serija (2/22) (kod. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 1:50:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Zločinački umovi 4, serija (12) (4/26) (R) (kod. na sat.) Ekipa traži serijskog ubojicu koji prikriva sudbinu svojih žrtava lažirajući prometne nesreće, da se ne bi otkrilo kako su doista umrle. U epizodi gostuju William Mapother ("Izgubljeni") i Wil Wheaton ("Zakon brojeva"). Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 2:35:00 Length: 00:20:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dharma i Greg 2, humoristična serija (6/24) (R) (kod. na sat Dharma i Greg otkrivaju tajnu sobu sa starim lutkama za koje Dharma misli da su opsjednute zlim duhovima. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 2:55:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sledge Hammer 2, humoristična serija (12/19) (R) (kod. na sa Sledge i Dori dodijeljeni su agentu Lionelu Dashmanu u zaštiti nadbiskupa. Dori se ubrzo zaljubi u Dasha, a Sledgeu to smeta. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 3:20:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Pola ure kulture (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 3:50:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Oprah show (1319.) (R) (kod. na sat.) Desetljećima je Jane Fonda bila seks-simbol. Ona je dobitnica Oscara, ikona fitnessa, aktivistica, majka i baka. Danas će s Oprom razgovarati o svom zanimljivom životu, a progovorit će i o pravoj istini o odnosu sa svojim poznatim ocem, o svomstavu prema starenju i plastičnim operacijama te o mračnoj tajni koju je skrivala trideset godina. Oprah će razgovarati s Jane i njezinim bivšim mužem Tedom Turnerom u prvom intervjuu koji će dati zajedno otkako su se razveli. A potom ćemo poznati i Janeinu novu ljubav. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 4:35:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mercy, serija (8/22) (kod. na sat.) Veronica je šokirana kad sazna da je možda trudna, ali brine se da ni dijete ne može spasiti njezin brak s Mikeom. Kako bi opet preuzela kontrolu nad svojim životom, udružuje se s ožalošćenim dr. Harrisom kako bi se borila protiv smrti u blnici Mercy. Sonia pomaže tinejdžerici, kraljici ljepote, prihvatiti dijagnozu koja će joj promijeniti život. Chloe otkriva groznu tajnu koju je njezin dečko vatrogasac skrivao od nje, a dr. Sands se zbliži s dr. Jelani (K. K. Moggie) kad jo pomogne organizirati dolaženje na posao biciklom. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 5:20:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 8. kat: Riješite se fobija, talk show (R) Igor Mešin i Maja Šuput hrabro govore o svom strahu od leta avionom. Njihovi doživljaji nasmijat će vas do suza. A, Ella Svilan Svalina i Aleksej Gotthardi Pavlovsky pričaju o svojim nedaćama za volanom. Ukoliko imate problema sa strahovima d leta i volana, pogledajte emisiju, jer vam nudimo i rješenje. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 6:05:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Najava programa Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 6:10:00 Length: 00:35:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Trenutak spoznaje (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 6:45:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV kalendar Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 6:57:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 7:00:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 7:05:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 7:10:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 7:35:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 8.4.2011 7:40:00 Length: 00:55:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dobro jutro, Hrvatska Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
Channel 2 Service Name: HTV2 Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 17:40:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sledge Hammer 2, humoristična serija (10/19) (kod. na sat.) Seriju krađa počinio je android Sissy i nitko ga ne može zaustaviti. Hammer pristaje da ga pretvore u androida kako bi imao snage boriti se sa Sissy. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 18:05:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 18:10:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Divlji Plamen 2, serija (5/13) (R) (kod. na sat.) Dok Pabla nema, Matt uvježbava Kris za njezinu prvu utrku na Divljem Plamenu, dok istodobno u tajnosti radi s konkurencijom - Daninim konjem Picarom. Charlie pomaže Toddu da se osamostali te se tijekom toga zbližava s Jean. Isabelle pokazuje svje pravo lice kada se udruži s Juniorom kako bi iznudila novac od Kena Davisa. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 18:55:00 Length: 00:50:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Krstarenja svjetskim ljepotama: Prekomorske obale - Australi Plovit ćemo uz obale kontinenta - otoka, Australije, od Sydneya do Darwina na brodu Song of Flower, jednom od najluksuznijih na svijetu. "Terra Australis", koju su engleski kolonizatori dugo smatrali ničijom zemljom, već više od 30.000 godina e zemlja Aboridžina. Zajedno s arhitektom urbanistom otkrit ćemo Sydney, tu suvremenu metropolu koja se prostire uz obalu. Zatim krećemo prema pokrajini Queensland. Itinerer: CAIRNS je polazna točka prema koraljnom grebenu koji ćemo prvo razgedati iz zraka, da bismo poslije zaronili u njegove dubine. U PORT DOUGLASU probijat ćemo se najstarijom tropskom šumom na svijetu. Na RTU YORK, najsjevernijoj točki kontinenta, na samo 150 km od Nove Gvineje, prisjetit ćemo se povijesti zemlj i kolonizacije. Upoznat ćemo i Aboridžine. U DARWINU, na Sjevernome teritoriju, upoznat ćemo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 19:45:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hit dana Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 19:57:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Večeras Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 19:58:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 20:00:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mercy, serija (7/22) (kod. na sat.) Veronica i Mike, koji su se udaljili kad se saznalo za njezinu tajnu avanturu, ponovno su se zbližili u krizi obitelji Flanagan. Sonia se razljuti kad joj bogata i snobovska suparnica iz gimnazije postane pacijentica, ali otkrije da drugima nijvijek bolje. Situacija između Chloe i vatrogasca koji joj se sviđa se uzburkava, a dr. Sands, kojem je Veronica rekla da krene dalje, čini upravo to... s drugom članicom osoblja Mercyja. Gostujuća zvijezda je Erika Christensen. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 20:45:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 20:50:00 Length: 01:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Ciklus tinejdžerskih komedija: Fakultet za gubitnike, američ Filmska redakcija pripremila je za mjesec travanj Ciklus tinejdžerskih komedija, u sklopu kojeg ćemo uz današnji "Fakultet za gubitnike" prikazati još: "American Wedding (American Pie 3)", "High School Musical" i "John Tucker Must Die". Bartley Gaines (J. Long) nema baš blistave ocjene, ali roditelji od njega očekuju upis na koledž, pa kasnije i na fakultet te su spremni to plaćati. No, Bartleby je dobio odbijenice sa svih koledža kojima je poslao molbe i više ne može podnijeti zraze razočaranja na licima svojih roditelja. Zato mu sine ideja da izmisli ime koledža, pa sam sebi pošalje pismo da je primljen u South Harmon Institute of Technology. Roditelji su ponosni i sretni. U prijevari mu je pomogao njegov prijatelj herman (J. Hill), koji se, kao i njegov otac, i njegov djed, i njegov pradjed prije toga, uspio Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 22:20:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Zločinački umovi 4, serija (12) (2/26) (kod. na sat.) Kad ustanove da je serija ubojstava povezana sa serijskim ubojicom koji je pogubljen prije godinu dana, JBA mora otkriti kakva je ta veza između njega i serije ubojstava koja se događa. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 23:05:00 Length: 00:07:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik plavuše: Kad tete kuhaju, emisija pod pokroviteljstv Bliži se Gabin rođendan i Lara se veseli proslavi s prijateljicama. Čeka ih razočaranje jer se Gabi zbog trudnoće ne osjeća tako poduzetnom za organiziranje tuluma. Zato joj cure odluče organizirati proslavu. Morana je zadužena za sastavljnje popisa uzvanika, no nakon razmišljanja, pisanja i križanja imena uvijek ostaje isti rezultat na papiriću: "Ja, Lara, Gabi". To će izazvati neočekivanu kulinarsku inspiraciju kod Lare, a posebno kod Morane. Vidjet ćemo tko će uskočiti upomoć i spasiti proslavu u zadnji čas... Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 23:12:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 23:15:00 Length: 01:50:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hamajlije za sretan život, kanadsko-američki film (107') (R) Obiteljska drama. Charlie Kate (G. Rowlands) od mladosti je bila samosvojna, inteligentna i odlučna žena, što se za njezinog muža, slabića i ženskara, nije moglo reći. Upoznajemo je kad putem naiđe na crnca obješenog o drvo. Dok njezin m mirno sjedi u autu, Charlie spašava obješenoga, a on joj u znak zahvalnosti daruje zečju šapu koja donosi lak život. Muž joj je nestao bez traga prije nego što ga je njihova kći Sophia stigla upoznati, a kad se i Sophia (M. Rogers) zaljui i uda za sličnog "suknjolovca", Charlie ne želi biti ni na vjenčanju. Svoju kćer smatra lakovjernom, no zato se zbližava s unukom Margaret (S. M. Pratt). Prolaze godine, Charlie se posvetila liječenju uz pomoć trava i sve je uspješnija. argaret će krenuti njezinim stopama, a jedna od prvih pouka koje dobiva od bake jest da mora svaki tjedan pr Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 1:05:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Hit dana Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 1:07:00 Length: 02:58:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Glazbeni spotovi Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 4:05:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Hit dana (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 4:07:00 Length: 01:13:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Cubismo, Gavella 1998., snimka konce Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 5:20:00 Length: 00:55:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Crosession - Irska glazba (1.dio) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 6:15:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Najava programa Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 6:20:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gospodarica tvoga srca, telenovela (22/142) (R) (kod. na sat Rosendo uznemiruje Iluminadu. Nazario ga uhvati i kaže mu da neka je ostavi na miru. Odvjetnika Galeana zanima zašto Valentina toliko želi kupiti "Montesinos" kada je njezino imanje "Los Cascabeles" najveće i najproduktivnije u regiji. Valentia mu kaže da želi to imanje kako bi natjerala Josea Miguela da zauvijek ode. Nakon Rosendova insistiranja da sazna što je razlog Valentinine želje da ostane na imanju umjesto povratka u Mexico, Valentina mu kaže kako zna da bi on to želio. Rsendo kaže Valentini da se počinju slagati u nekim stvarima. Horacio, kako bi se riješio problema, koji je nastao upoznavanjem Ivane i Sandre, kaže Sandri da je Ivana zaručnica Josea Miguela. Ivana odmah počne koketirati s njime. Ivana, kakobi se zbližila s Joseom Miguelom, natjera ga da joj obeća da će je poučiti jahati. Odvjetnik Galea Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 7:05:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 101 dalmatinac, crtana serija (4/65) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 7:30:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Žderonja 1, crtana serija (10/20) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 7:55:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mala TV (oko 30'30") Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:00:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV vrtić: Ljepilo Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:10:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Patuljkove priče, crtani film (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:15:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mala princeza, crtani film (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:25:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dvorac igračaka 2, serija za djecu (5/20) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:50:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Školski program: Suvremena glazba i mladi Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 9:20:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Izazovi: Hanina oklada, njemački dokumentarni filmza mlade Hana, 11-godišnja djevojčica iz Njemačke, cijeli je život provela s lutkama jer su njezini roditelji lutkari. Lutke raspoznaje čak i zatvorenih očiju pa je zbog te sposobnosti pozvana u jednu od najgledanijih emisija u Njemačkoj. Hoće li Hna, pred nekoliko milijuna gledatelja, zavezanih očiju prepoznati 60 drvenih lutaka i tako dobiti okladu? Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 9:35:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Heidi, serija za djecu (24/26) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 10:00:00 Length: 03:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Prijenosi iz Sabora Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:30:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mala TV (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:35:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV vrtić: Ljepilo (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:45:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Patuljkove priče, crtani film (R) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:50:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mala princeza, crtani film (R) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 14:00:00 Length: 01:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Smisao života: Priča o Jill Ireland, američki film (90') (R) Drama. Jill Ireland (J. Clayburgh), glumica i supruga Charlesa Bronsona (L. Henriksen), imala je, uz svoju djecu, i usvojenog sina Jasona McCalluma (N. Barry). Istodobno dok se ona borila s rakom dojke, Jason je tonuo u alkoholizam i ovisnost ooinu, neprekidno obećavajući da neće više... Jill je puno vremena, ljubavi i povjerenja posvećivala Jasonu, toliko da su se njezina druga djeca osjećala zapostavljenom. A Jason je svaki put izigrao majčino povjerenje. Kako bi mu pomogla da ispuni prazninu zbog koje bježi u svijet droge", ona mu čak predlaže da pronađu njegove biološke roditelje... Borbu da ga izvuče i izliječi od ovisnosti, Jill Ireland opisala je u svojoj drugoj knjizi, Life Lines, u vrijeme dok se svijet v divio toj hrabroj ženi, koja je svoju borbu protiv bolesti opisala u svojoj prvoj autobiografskoj Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:30:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Županijska panorama Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:45:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hotel dvorac Orth 1, serija (12/13) (R) (kod. na sat.) Po savjetu dječje psihologinje, Franzl dolazi u internat. Tu se susreće s prijateljicom Jette. Fanny marljivo uči za odvjetnički ispit. Vinzenz Strobl joj pomaže i pritom se zbližavaju. Otac i sin Meingraf putuju na sjednicu. Izbija žestokasvađa i Meingraf stariji nasred ceste izlazi iz auta. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 16:30:00 Length: 00:50:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Šaptač psima 3 (48'49") (15/21) (kod. na sat.) Nervozna križanka bigla Penny ometa hijerarhiju u svome čoporu, s još pet pasa na privremenom čuvanju do udomljavanja. Australski ovčar opsjednut je vlasnikom. Talijanski mastif Promise užasno se boji vožnje u autu. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:20:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Crno proročanstvo, serija za mlade (19/26) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 17:45:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sledge Hammer 2, humoristična serija (11/19) (kod. na sat.) Sledge i Dori istražuju ubojstva Mila Tylera, predsjednika kompanije Igračke Tyler. Ubijen je iz svog dječjeg tenka dok se zabavljao s ljubavnicom. Uskoro Sledge otkriva trag koji vodi do ubojice, a završni obračun vodi se dječjim aviončićma iz kojih ispadaju prave bombe. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:10:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Divlji Plamen 2, serija (6/13) (R) (kod. na sat.) Ranč Raintree prima na dresuru poznatog konja, a Kris i Matt zajedno pokušavaju otkriti zbog čega je taj konj problematičan, no u međuvremenu shvaćaju pravi razlog zašto Pablo ne želi imati veze s time. Kris pokušava doznati više ispitujći Pabla, a Matt osjeća da se njegove vještine kod kuće ne cijene dovoljno pa odluči započeti vlastitu karijeru. Pete pokušava ponovno osvojiti Jean. Ona se nađe u dvojbi, no naposljetku ga ipak odbija te ga time pošalje ravno u zagrljaj sabelli. Junior se zbližava s Peteom i Rebeccom Rebound te se još više udaljava od Davisa. Dani nastavlja graditi svoje carstvo. Osjeća se ugroženom zbog toga što Junior ima nove žene u svom životu te ponudi Mattu posao. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 18:55:00 Length: 00:50:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Krstarenja svjetskim ljepotama: Prekomorske obale - od Gvaja Ovo krstarenje Levantom, luskuznim putničkim brodom dugačkim 100 metara kojim putuje 90 putnika, vodi nas od Amazone do Kariba. Gvajane zauzimaju prostran teritorij koji se proteže od delte Amazone do delte Orinoca i obuhvaćaju Francusku Gvajau, Surinam - nekadašnju Nizozemsku Gvajanu, i Gvajanu - nekadašnju Britansku Gvajanu i pokrajinu Bolívar Venezuelanske Gvajane. Itinerer CAYENNE u Francuskoj Gvajani. PARAMARIBO u Surinamu. Plovimo deltom Orinoca, najveće rijeke u Americi nako Amazone. Susret sa zajednicama Warao Indijanaca. U CIUDADU GVAJANI ukrcavamo se u avion kojim odlazimo u Nacionalni park CANAMA. Nadlijećemo najviši vodopad na svijetu - Salto Angel, visok 976 metara. Krećemo prema POINTE A PITREU. Otkrivamougravirane stijene koje prikazuju antropomorfne likove koje su načinili stari Arawaki Indijanc Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:45:00 Length: 00:12:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Hit dana Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:57:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Večeras Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 19:58:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:00:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Odjevna odiseja: Egipat, dokumentarna serija (8/14) (R) (kod Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:25:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Liga prvaka - emisija Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 20:40:00 Length: 01:55:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Nogomet, LP: Barcelona - Šahtar, prijenos Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 22:35:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Liga prvaka - emisija Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:00:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Zločinački umovi 4, serija (12) (3/26) (kod. na sat.) Kad Prentissova i Reid pod lažnim identitetom dolaze istražiti moguće zlostavljanje djece u tajnome kultu, ostaju zarobljeni u logoru kad savezna racija krene po zlu. U epizodi gostuje Luke Perry ("Beverly Hills, 90210") kao vođa kulta Benjami Cyrus. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:45:00 Length: 00:07:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik plavuše: Kad tete kuhaju, emisija pod pokroviteljstv Bliži se Gabin rođendan i Lara se veseli proslavi s prijateljicama. Čeka ih razočaranje jer se Gabi zbog trudnoće ne osjeća tako poduzetnom za organiziranje tuluma. Zato joj cure odluče organizirati proslavu. Morana je zadužena za sastavljnje popisa uzvanika, no nakon razmišljanja, pisanja i križanja imena uvijek ostaje isti rezultat na papiriću: "Ja, Lara, Gabi". To će izazvati neočekivanu kulinarsku inspiraciju kod Lare, a posebno kod Morane. Vidjet ćemo tko će uskočiti upomoć i spasiti proslavu u zadnji čas... Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:52:00 Length: 00:03:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PP Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 23:55:00 Length: 01:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Smisao života: Priča o Jill Ireland, američki film (90') (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 1:25:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Hit dana (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 1:27:00 Length: 02:42:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Glazbeni spotovi Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 4:09:00 Length: 00:02:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Hit dana Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 4:11:00 Length: 01:17:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Donatske večeri - Cappella Pratensis Nizozemski ansamble CAPPELLA PRATENSIS, osnovan 1987. godine, izvodi polifonijsku glazbu 15. i 16. stoljeća. Svjetsku slavu postigao je turnejama po Evropi, Americi i Japanu. Koncert je snimljen u crkvi Sv. Donata u Zadru 2000.godine. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 5:28:00 Length: 00:47:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Noćni glazbeni program: Portret umjetnika - Mladen Raukar Prof. Mladen Raukar (1924. - 1999.), pijanist i televizijski redatelj, studij klavira završio je 1948. kod Dore Gušić, na Muzičkoj Akademiji u Zagrebu, a usvršavao se kod velikog pedagoga Svetislava Stančića. Od 1959. radi kao televizijski edatelj, emisije posvećene glazbi. O svom životu, posvećenosti glazbi, kazalištu, prof. Raukar govori u emisiji. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 6:15:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Najava programa Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 6:20:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gospodarica tvoga srca, telenovela (23/142) (R) (kod. na sat Ivana traži od majke da joj kaže tko je čovjek kojemu je dala dušu i srce. No, gđa Isabel ne želi odgovoriti. Rosendo nastavlja opsjedati Iluminadu. Uplakana Ivana govori Valentini da su odvjetnik Galeana i njezina majka bili u vezi dok je nezin otac bio živ i moli je da ga otjera. Valentina kaže Ivani da treba odvjetnika Galeanu te da, ako ga ona ne može podnijeti, sama mora odlučiti što će učiniti. Valentina kaže g. Ernestu da, ako je istina to što Ivana govori, neće mu mći dopustiti da ostane u njezinoj kući. Horacio zahvali Joseu Miguelu što ga nije izdao pred zaručnicom. Rosendo kaže Crisanti da Nazario pokušava zavesti njezinu kćer. Kaže joj licemjerno da kad bi Iluminada bila njegova kći, već bi je davno odveo s "Los Cascabelesa" prije nego što bi joj Nazario išta uspio učiniti. Sandra predloži Horaciju d Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:05:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: 101 dalmatinac, crtana serija (5/65) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:30:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Žderonja 1, crtana serija (11/20) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 7:55:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mala TV Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:00:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV vrtić: Srećka Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:05:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gazoon, crtani film (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:10:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Izazovi: Slatka kušnja, njemački film za djecu (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:25:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dvorac igračaka 2, serija za djecu (6/20) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 8:50:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Školski program: Popularizacija poezije Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 9:20:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kokice (kod. na sat.) U emisiji Kokice otkrivaju što je F.R.K.A. i kakve filmove ondje možete gledati. Upoznajemo vas i s Petrom Zlonogom, dobitnicom nagrade za najbolji studentski film Gregor na 2. festivalu hrvatskog animiranog filma. Kao film tjedna predstavljamoomediju Pušteni s lanca, a podsjetit ćemo se i na najbolja filmska prijateljstva. Također donosimo i prve kadrove iščekivanog filma s Robertom Pattinsonom Voda za slonove. Na kraju emisije pogledajte inserte iz igranog filma Put za Nahr al Baed, skupine autora iz Arab Resource Centre for Popular Arts, Libanon. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 9:35:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Heidi, serija za djecu (25/26) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 10:00:00 Length: 03:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Prijenosi iz Sabora Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:15:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mala TV (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:20:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: TV vrtić: Srećka (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:25:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gazoon, crtani film (R) (kod. na sat.) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:30:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Izazovi: Slatka kušnja, njemački film za djecu (R) Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 7.4.2011 13:45:00 Length: 01:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Tri muškarca i kolijevka, francuski film (102') (R) (kod. na Komedija. Jacques (A. Dussolier) radi kao stjuart Air Francea, a živi neopterećeno u stanu s trojicom podjednako slobodnih prijatelja. Jednoga dana stiže paket na njegovo ime, a prijatelji ga preuzmu od poštara. Nitko ne zna što je u paketu. acques poslovno otputuje na Tajland, a u međuvremenu, osim tajanstvenog paketa, dvojici njegovih cimera pristigne i još jedan neočekivani "paket", naslovljen na Jacquesa. Naime, bivša mu djevojka ostavi tromjesečnu djevojčicu oko koje se ne ože brinuti. Muškarci nemaju izbora: dijete se mora nahraniti, moraju mu se promijeniti pelene, o čemu oni nemaju pojma. A isto tako, ne slute da su im dileri droge, kao i policija, za petama... "Tri muškarca i kolijevka" zabavna je i šarmanta komedija francuske scenaristice i redateljice komedija Coline Serreau. Radi se o simpatičnoj pr Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
Channel 4 Service Name: NOVA TV Provider Name: OiV Transport Stream ID: 54273 [D401] 506 MHz (CH 25)
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 17:25:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: IN magazin Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 18:10:00 Length: 00:55:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Pod sretnom zvijezdom U epizodnoj ulozi pojavljuje se riječki dopisnik IN magazina Davor Garić. Suzana je pogođena viješću da je Nina ipak odlučila prihvatiti nasljedstvo. Silvija se požali Faniki da je Beti u depresiji. Suzana i Zora pokušavaju suočiti Egona njegovim problemom, te ga uvjeriti da treba pomoć. Frane odugovlači reći Dini da mora natrag u Irak. Tonku zanima hoće li Nina i dalje ostati raditi na fakultetu. Ena obraduje Marinu viješću da joj je pronašla posao i da počinje odmah. Dia uvjerava Neru kako će s Tonkom kao fotografkinjom na reviji proći sve u redu. Slaven odluči priznati Eni cijelu istinu zbog koje on i Adam ne razgovaraju. Zora je u šoku vidjevši financijsko stanje fakulteta. Krešo slučajno sazna od Nine a mu je Suzana lagala. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 19:05:00 Length: 00:10:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PBZ pitanje dana Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 19:15:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dnevnik Nove TV Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 20:00:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Najbolje godine Dino, Ranko i Goran su uspjeli pobjeći inspektoru, a Dino je ranjen u nogu. Ranko dvoji da li da mu pomogne, odluči napraviti dobru stvar što mu Goran zamjera. Uspiju doći do Žareta koji vodi Gorana na sigurno u Švicarsku. Dino je zahvaln Ranku, zadužio ga je. Dino pokuša od Dunje dobiti zahvalnost jer je uspio spasiti Gorana od zatvora, Dunja ne oklijeva dati mu do znanja da unatoč svemu neće nikada biti sretna u braku s kriminalcem. Dino se želi odužiti Ranku uvodeći njea i Dunju u još veći posao njih dvoje će prijeći granicu s novcem za otkup djevojaka iz bijelog roblja. Ranko surađuje i hrabri Dunju nadajući se da je to zadnji posao kojim će smjestiti Dini i riješiti ga se zauvijek.Zlata, Lucija, Lae, Melita i Dražen su u vlaku. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 20:40:00 Length: 02:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: LP: Real (M)-Tottenham Ovog utorka slijedi četvrtifnale Lige prvaka na Novoj TV i sportskom portalu Gol.hr. Ljubitelji nogometa moći će uživati u utakmici između Real Madrida i Totenhama. Pred nogometašima Tottenhama jedan je od najvećih europskih izazova u povijsti. Pijetlovi u četvrtfinalu Lige prvaka gostuju kod Reala na Santiago Bernabeu, uvjereni da i protiv Mourinhove momčadi imaju šansi za podvig. Za nadu u rušenje kraljevskog kluba trebat će im Luka Modrić i Garteh Bale u najboljem izdnju. I dok naš reprezentativac spremno dočekuje veliku utakmicu, Bale je zbog ozljede propustio kvalifikacijsku utakmicu Walesa protiv Engleske, pa liječnička služba Tottenhama ima pune ruke posla da ga osposobi za madridski dvoboj. Kod Realaje zbog ozljede pauzirao Cristiano Ronaldo, ali glavna zvijezda Reala trebala bi biti spremna za doček Spursa. Ne propustite četvrtfinale Lige Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 22:45:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Večernje vijesti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 23:00:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Mr. Bean Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 5.4.2011 23:30:00 Length: 01:00:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Sažeci Lige prvaka Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 0:00:00 Length: 01:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Put iskupljenja 1 Ova mini serija je 2007. godine bila nominirana za tri Zlatna globusa i to u kategorijama najboljeg glavnog i sporednog glumca te kao najbolja mini serija. Mini serija je dobila četiri Emmyja. (Broken Trail), Kanada, SAD, 2006., mini serija Redlj: Walter Hill Glume: Robert Duvall, Thomas Haden Church, Gwendoline Yeo, Todd Allen, Olivia Cheng Iskusni kauboj Print Ritter (Robert Duvall) zajedno sa svojim nećakom Tomom Hartom (Thomas Haden Church) mora prevesti stado konja iz Oregona u ming. Na svom putovanju Print i Tom nailaze na petero mladih djevojaka iz Kine koje čeka teška sudbina. Naime njihova vlasnica ih vodi u bordel kako bi zaradila na njima. Print i Tom odluče spasiti djevojke te nastavljaju svoje putovanje na kojm će naići na mnoge probleme. Osim brige o petero žena i konjima dvojici kauboja probleme stvara i grupa protivnika koji nastoje oteti Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 1:40:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Dr. Huff Usred trenutne napetosti u odnosu s Beth, Huff odluči potražiti svog nestalog brata. Zbog brojnih problema koji ga okružuju Huff se ne može skoncentrirati na svog novog pacijenta, Arta. Bethina majka umire, a i bol koja mu daje naslutiti da i am ima karcenom, Huffa privoli da prihvati Paulinu ponudu da njen dečko koji je policajac mu pomogne u potrazi za Teddyjem. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating 12 years old
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 2:25:00 Length: 01:00:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Ezo TV Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating 18 years old
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 3:25:00 Length: 00:50:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Bračne vode Dok njegovi prijatelji iz kluba No Maam kuju zavjeru da ga oslobode od zahtjevne i teške žene, Jefferson zaboravlja da im je godišnjica braka. Nakon što ga Marcy podsjeti na to, pristaje pripremiti sve za proslavu prije nego što se ona vrai s posla. Međutim, kad Al i društvo stignu u spašavanje, Jefferson pristaje ići s njima u najdraži striptiz-bar pod uvjetom da se na vrijeme vrati kući da se nađe sa ženom. Nakon ludoga dana pijančevanja s prijateljima, Jefferson shvaćada ne samo da će zakasniti na proslavu nego je i zaboravio kupiti joj dar. Na prijedlog plesačice iz Tresi, mijesi, odlučuje dati tetovirati ženino ime. No mora mnogo toga objasniti nakon što je pijani majstor tetoviranja pogrešno napisao Macy na njegovu stražnjicu. 14.ep., 3.sezona Kad Peggy (Katey Sagal) postane prodavačica kozmetike i počne zarađivati više od Ala, on nađe drugi posao kako b Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 4:15:00 Length: 01:35:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Moje prvo ubojstvo (Mini's First Time), SAD, 2006., kriminalistički film Redatelj: Nick Guthe Glume: Alec Baldwin, Nikki Reed, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jeff Goldblum, Luke Wilson Mini Drogues (Nikki Reed) je pametna srednjoškolka željna avanture. Kako bi unijela živost u svoju svakodnevnicu Mini odlučiti postati eskort pratnja. Njen prvi klijent ima grižnju savjesti te je ne može 'iskoristiti znajući da je srednjoškolka što razočara Mini. Tada se Mini odluči i za drugog klijenta te bude šokirana čijenicom da je on upravo njezin očuh Martin (Alec Baldwin). Martin je pri njihovom susretu šokiran, no uskoro on i Mini započinju strastvenu zabranjenu vezu. Kako bi ostvarili svoju vezu Martin i Mini se odluče udružiti protiv Minine majke Diae (Carrie-Anne Moss) te je proglasiti ludom i neuračunljivom. No nakon što postane svjedokom njihove zabranjene veze, Diane počini samoubojstvo. U Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating 12 years old
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 5:50:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Bračne vode Dok njegovi prijatelji iz kluba No Maam kuju zavjeru da ga oslobode od zahtjevne i teške žene, Jefferson zaboravlja da im je godišnjica braka. Nakon što ga Marcy podsjeti na to, pristaje pripremiti sve za proslavu prije nego što se ona vrai s posla. Međutim, kad Al i društvo stignu u spašavanje, Jefferson pristaje ići s njima u najdraži striptiz-bar pod uvjetom da se na vrijeme vrati kući da se nađe sa ženom. Nakon ludoga dana pijančevanja s prijateljima, Jefferson shvaćada ne samo da će zakasniti na proslavu nego je i zaboravio kupiti joj dar. Na prijedlog plesačice iz Tresi, mijesi, odlučuje dati tetovirati ženino ime. No mora mnogo toga objasniti nakon što je pijani majstor tetoviranja pogrešno napisao Macy na njegovu stražnjicu. 14.ep., 3.sezona Kad Peggy (Katey Sagal) postane prodavačica kozmetike i počne zarađivati više od Ala, on nađe drugi posao kako b Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 6:15:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: IN magazin Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 6:45:00 Length: 00:05:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Kraj programa Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 6:50:00 Length: 00:45:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Naši najbolji dani Marlena je presretna što je našla Johna, ali je on ne prepoznaje. Sjećanje mu je izbrisano. Ne pokazuje ni emocije. Marlena ga uvjerava da je ovdje kako bi mu pomogla. Uz Boovu i Hopeinu pomoć vodi ga u rezidenciju gdje čekaju Roman i Stefano Stefano izaziva Marlenu tvrdeći da John kojega je voljela više ne postoji. Njegov je se vojnik ne sjeća. Ljutiti ga John napada iznenađujućom snagom, ali ga dr. Rolf onesvijesti injekcijom. Bo i Roman uhite Stefana i dr. Rolfa zbog otmice i legalnog utamničenja. Max i Stephanie nakon grudanja slučajno se poljube. Max se ispričava, ali Stephanie mu zahvaljuje na tome što je dobar prijatelj. Stiže Chelsea i kaže da im je njezina majka na tragu, a i Nick je nagovara da prizna istiu. Stephanie moli Chelsea da šuti. Sve njihove prijateljice računaju na to. Crawford Decker upada u dom jer je policija u podrumu našla leće Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 7:35:00 Length: 00:30:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Bakugan Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:05:00 Length: 00:15:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Roary Maša je bijesna kada pronađe tragove guma na svojoj dekici za piknik. Sumnjivo izgledaju kao djelo CiCi, koja uvijek izvodi vratolomije. Ona tvrdi da nije kriva, pa Maša sada treba pronaći krivca. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:20:00 Length: 00:25:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Jagodica Bobica Jagodica bobica traži jago cvijet koji raste samo jednom godišnje. Jagodica bobica nauči kako tada nauči veliku lekciju, a ta je da mora slušati svoje srce kao i svoju glavu. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 8:45:00 Length: 00:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Tomica i prijatelji Jurica će se obojati. On uživa u tome i osjeća se posebno. Nakon toga šef mu naredi da donese ugljen. No on se ne želi uprljati. U međuvremenu ga u ugljenokopu čeka upravitelj Debeljkić Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 9:25:00 Length: 01:00:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Zauvijek zaljubljeni Rodrigo posjeti Josea Mariju i kaže mu da se Violeta odrekla luksuza i koristi koju je imala od njega jer voli Josea Mariju. Borit će se za njezinu ljubav jer ju nije znao cijeniti. Violeta kaže majci da će se rastati od Josea Marije. Jose Mara kaže da neće odustati od Violete. Rogelio odlazi Sari; a ona glumata i poželi mu dobrodošlicu te mu kaže kako je znala da će se vratiti. Leonora cinično govori Ivani da bi Fausta bila živa da nije bilo nje te je okrivi za njezinu smrt. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 10:25:00 Length: 01:00:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gumus Gumuš je jako zauzeta pripremanjem nove kolekcije i provodi mnogo vremena na poslu. Mehmet je ljut jer misli da će ona zbog takvoga napornoga tempa zaboraviti njegov rođendan. Ali ona mu tajno organizira zabavu. Kad na kraju zabave Mehmet Fikrikaže da se idućega dana okupi upravni odbor tvrtke jer da će on objaviti svoju oporuku, nastaje muk... Dilruba ne može više skrivati svoje laži. Hikmet dolazi na Mehmetovu rođendansku zabavu i tako sve izlazi na vidjelo. Dilruba je slomljen. Bilur i Kenan tužni su jer će biti izbačeni iz kuće. Najveći šok ipak doživi Mehmet Fikri kada to sve čuje. Šeref se s jedne strane razveseli zbog razvoja događaja, ali s druge je zabrinuta za zdravstveno stanje Mehmeta Fikrija. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 11:25:00 Length: 00:59:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Zauvijek zaljubljeni Mariano kaže Ivani kako mu je žao što je doznao da je Renato bio Faustin pomagač samo kako bi dobio nasljedstvo. Odglumio je čak i srčani zastoj te bolesno srce, a zapravo uopće nije bio bolestan. Violeta kaže majci da je prekinula s Joseo Marijom jer joj ne vjeruje te da su mu bile potrebne riječi neznanca kako bi joj Jose Maria povjerovao da ne laže. Ivana pita Rodriga je li otišao na pogreb jer mu se sviđa Violeta. On joj odgovori da je otišao kako bi pomogao Violeti koja ia problema s Joseom Marijom te samo želi da bude sretna. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:24:00 Length: 00:01:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: PBZ Pitanje dana Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 12:25:00 Length: 00:55:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: IN magazin Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 13:20:00 Length: 01:40:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Put iskupljenja 1 Ova mini serija je 2007. godine bila nominirana za tri Zlatna globusa i to u kategorijama najboljeg glavnog i sporednog glumca te kao najbolja mini serija. Mini serija je dobila četiri Emmyja. (Broken Trail), Kanada, SAD, 2006., mini serija Redlj: Walter Hill Glume: Robert Duvall, Thomas Haden Church, Gwendoline Yeo, Todd Allen, Olivia Cheng Iskusni kauboj Print Ritter (Robert Duvall) zajedno sa svojim nećakom Tomom Hartom (Thomas Haden Church) mora prevesti stado konja iz Oregona u ming. Na svom putovanju Print i Tom nailaze na petero mladih djevojaka iz Kine koje čeka teška sudbina. Naime njihova vlasnica ih vodi u bordel kako bi zaradila na njima. Print i Tom odluče spasiti djevojke te nastavljaju svoje putovanje na kojm će naići na mnoge probleme. Osim brige o petero žena i konjima dvojici kauboja probleme stvara i grupa protivnika koji nastoje otet Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 15:00:00 Length: 01:00:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Najbolje godine Dino, Ranko i Goran su uspjeli pobjeći inspektoru, a Dino je ranjen u nogu. Ranko dvoji da li da mu pomogne, odluči napraviti dobru stvar što mu Goran zamjera. Uspiju doći do Žareta koji vodi Gorana na sigurno u Švicarsku. Dino je zahvaln Ranku, zadužio ga je. Dino pokuša od Dunje dobiti zahvalnost jer je uspio spasiti Gorana od zatvora, Dunja ne oklijeva dati mu do znanja da unatoč svemu neće nikada biti sretna u braku s kriminalcem. Dino se želi odužiti Ranku uvodeći njea i Dunju u još veći posao njih dvoje će prijeći granicu s novcem za otkup djevojaka iz bijelog roblja. Ranko surađuje i hrabri Dunju nadajući se da je to zadnji posao kojim će smjestiti Dini i riješiti ga se zauvijek.Zlata, Lucija, Lae, Melita i Dražen su u vlaku. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
--------------------------------------------- Starts: 6.4.2011 16:00:00 Length: 01:00:00 EIT Source: actual TS, event schedule Name: Gumus Mehmet Fikri odlazi od kuće na neko vrijeme jer se želi odmoriti i srediti misli. Gumuš obavlja zadnje pripreme za reviju. Kako bi sve bilo savršeno, radi od jutra do mraka. Kenar kreće u akciju jer želi iskoristiti Berkovu ljutnju u svoju krist. Huška Berka da izbaci Mehmeta s čela upravnog odbora i smišljaju zavjeru koja će uzdrmati cijelu obitelj. Description Source: DVB Short Event DVB Extended Event Descriptor: Content Descriptor Content: undefined content (user [2]/[0]) Descriptor: Parental Rating Descriptor Parental rating: Country hrv Rating undefined
MPEG-2 Statistics
Table | Sections Processed | CRC Errors |
PAT | 4.5k | 0 |
CAT | 0 | 0 |
PMT | 41.9k | 0 |
NIT | 4.5k | 0 |
SDT | 1.2k | 0 |
EIT | 30.1k | 237 |
Continuity errors: 5924
TEI errors: 6636
Calculated multiplex rate: 22394005 bps
General Information
Source: Igor Funa Tuner: Custom DVB-T Receiver Signal: n/a Profile: File Network Type: DVB Run Time: 000:00:21
PID Usage Chart
[0000] (0.01% ~ 0.00 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0000] MPEG-2 Program Assocation Table |
[0010] (0.01% ~ 0.00 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0010] DVB Network Information Table |
[0011] (0.00% ~ 0.00 Mbps) *236/0 |
[0011] DVB Service Definition Table |
[0012] (0.76% ~ 0.17 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0012] DVB Event Information Table |
[0015] (0.01% ~ 0.00 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0015] DVB Network Synchronization |
[0064] (0.03% ~ 0.01 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0064] MPEG-2 PMT for program 1 |
[0065] (20.77% - 4.68 Mbps) *237/711 |
[0065] MPEG-2 Video for program 1 |
[0066] (1.19% ~ 0.27 Mbps) *474/0 |
[0066] MPEG-1 Audio for program 1 |
[0067] (1.17% ~ 0.26 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0067] Teletext/VBI for program 1 |
[00C8] (0.03% ~ 0.01 Mbps) *237/0 |
[00C8] MPEG-2 PMT for program 2 |
[00C9] (20.86% - 4.68 Mbps) *474/474 |
[00C9] MPEG-2 Video for program 2 |
[00CA] (1.19% ~ 0.27 Mbps) *237/0 |
[00CA] MPEG-1 Audio for program 2 |
[00CB] (1.17% ~ 0.26 Mbps) *237/0 |
[00CB] Teletext/VBI for program 2 |
[012C] (0.03% ~ 0.01 Mbps) *237/0 |
[012C] MPEG-2 PMT for program 3 |
[012D] (20.81% - 4.72 Mbps) *237/474 |
[012D] MPEG-2 Video for program 3 |
[012E] (1.19% ~ 0.27 Mbps) *237/237 |
[012E] MPEG-1 Audio for program 3 |
[012F] (1.01% ~ 0.23 Mbps) *237/0 |
[012F] Teletext/VBI for program 3 |
[0190] (0.03% ~ 0.01 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0190] MPEG-2 PMT for program 4 |
[0191] (21.08% - 4.71 Mbps) *474/711 |
[0191] MPEG-2 Video for program 4 |
[0192] (1.19% ~ 0.27 Mbps) *237/0 |
[0192] MPEG-1 Audio for program 4 |
[0193] (0.82% ~ 0.18 Mbps) *474/0 |
[0193] Teletext/VBI for program 4 |
[1FFF] (6.55% ~ 1.47 Mbps) |
[1FFF] MPEG-2 NULL Packet |
On the image below you can see a graphical representation of the multiplex usage: