Plešivec transmitting site is located on the top of mountain called Uršlja gora at 1700 m above sea level. 100m lower on the slope lies a 400 years old church which is also the highest church in Slovenia. Because of excellent geographic location the Plešivec transmitting site covers a large part of the Koroška region and north-eastern part of Slovenia. The first tower was constructed in 1962 when the first 100 W RCA TV transimitter and 250 W BHG FM radio transmitter were installed.
Currently all public radio and TV services are broadcasting from this site including two private radio stations Koroški Radio on 97.3 MHz and time sharing of Radio Alfa and Radio Velenje on 107.8 MHz. This transmitting site is also used for digital terrestrial television broadcasts.
Broadcasting |
92.0 MHz |
Radio Slovenija Prvi Program - Program A1 |
92.4 MHz |
Radio Slovenija Drugi Program - Program VAL 202
97.3 MHz |
Koroški Radio |
101.4 MHz |
Radio Slovenija Tretji Program - Program ARS
107.8 MHz |
Radio Alfa / Radio velenje
CH 27
CH 67 |