The Tallinn TV Tower (Tallinna teletorn) is a 314 m high free-standing structure with an observation deck, built to provide better telecommunication services for the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics regatta event. It is located near Pirita, 6 km north-east of the Tallinn city center.
The building is administered by the public company Levira and is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers. The cornerstone was laid on September 30, 1975, and the first broadcasts started in 1979. The Tower has been closed to the public since November 26, 2007.
This transmitting site is used to broadcast many radio stations like Vikerraadio, Raado 2, Klassikaraadio, Raadio 4, Raadio Elmar, Raadio Uuno, Raadio Kuku, Raadio Uuno Plus, Raadio 100 FM, Raadio Uuno Pop, Russkoje Radio, Radio Energy FM, SKY+, SKY, Radio Mania, Raadio 3, Raadio 7, and TV channels ETV, Kanal 2 and TV 3. The Tallinn TV Tower is also used for digital terrestrial television broadcasting.