Here you can find pictures of some transmitting sites I have visited. Each site is accompanied with information on broadcasting frequencies in use, pictures of the site and a map.
Transmitting sites are usually built on high mountains in order to get large coverage area. Each transmitting site usually has a high tower or mast on wich transmitting antennas are mounted. There is often ambiguity between the terms tower and mast. Both are used to support telecommunication equipment such as radio antennas. in structural engineering terms, a tower is a self-supporting or cantilevered structure, while a mast is held up by stays or guys. Both towers and masts have limited floor space and are non-building structures, as opposed to regular buildings which have greater floor space for occupancy. The terminology is further confused through misuse. Skyscrapers are often referred to as towers and some towers use the term mast.
 The Učka is a mountain range on the Istrian peninsula in northwestern Croatia. It includes the highest peak of Istria Mt. Vojak (1401 m) where a stone tower (built in 1911) is located. The breathtaking view from the tower looks upon the islands Krk, Losinj and Cres, Gorski kotar and Istria peninsula. The area of Učka is designated a nature park, a kind of protected area in Croatia.
 The Dobratsch (also Villacher Alpe, Slovenian: Dobrač) is a 2166 m high mountain in Carinthia (located west of the city Villach) above the green meadows of the "Villacher Alpe". It is Carinthia's best vantage point thanks to its exposed position between the Drau and Gail Valleys, the southern Limestone Alps and the mountain glaciers on the edge of the Carinthian lake plateau. The Dobratsch owes its distinctive form to the two greatest landslides in the eastern Alps.
Two earthquakes released a total of 530 million cubic meters of rock over an area of 12 kilometers from the southern flank of the Dobratsch, burying the lower Gail Valley down to a depth of 80 meters. This area is appropriately named "Schütt" (detritus).
 The Schöckl is a 1445 m high mountain about 15 miles north of the Styrian capital Graz. The plateau on the Schöckel offers on clear days outstanding views to the Triglav mountain in Slovenia and to the Sljeme mountain near Zagreb in Croatia. Mount Schöckl is not only a popular hiking destination in summer and autumn. In winter Schockl is an attractive destination for skiing.
The transmitting tower on the Schöckl was build between years 1955 and 1957. Originally it was 74 m high free standing tower but in recent times it was additionally guyed.
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